We sincerely thank the generous donations received from LOLITA S.A. and DON BAEZ.
These donations are an example of the importance of the cooperation between the business community and non-profit organizations to make a positive impact in our society.
In June, Lolita S.A. made a significant donation of 300 backpacks for all Liceo Espigas’ children, who were very happy with this gift.
During the first week of July, Don Baez organized a special sale of 40 garments at 40% Off for their “Campaña de la Calidez”. The proceeds were entirely donated to the Foundation. The campaign also had the support of María Noel Riccetto, Artistic Director of the Ballet Nacional Sodre, who visited our programs Centro Espigas and Liceo Espigas, together with Claudia Weiss, owner of Don Baez.