Other Contributions made by Fundación Retoño
Fundación Retoño also supports and contributes to the welfare of children assisted by other programs and institutions in Uruguay, through significant donations. Amongst other:
Cochlear Implants Programme. Fundación Retoño financially contributes, on a monthly basis, to the rehabilitation of implanted children and their further school reinsertion.
"Renacer" Project. The Foundation has made occasional contributions since 2004 to this project, working on the rehabilitation of youngsters with drug addiction issues.
Internship Financing. The Foundation grants internships at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, U.S.A., to Uruguayan medical professionals who excel in different paediatric specialization fields.
More Contributions
- Donation for replacement of a cochlear implant.
See acknowledgement letter
- Donation of microscope equipment for surgery use at the Cochlear Implant Programme.
See acknowledgement letter
- Funds were donated to the Children's Acute Leukemia Programme, for research study developed at the Medical Genetics Institute of the Italian Hospital in Montevideo. This is a joint project with the Peluffo Giguens Foundation, the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, U.S.A.) and the Pasteur Institute of Uruguay.
Fundación Retoño made a significant donation to the Manuel Pérez Foundation from the Faculty of Medicine, for the purchase of a last generation neurophysiology equipment for the Neuropaediatric Department. Read Thank You letter (Spanish PDF)
Fundación Retoño made a US$ 20.000 donation to the Pediatric Department of the Pereira Rossell Hospital, for the purchase of a triage software to expedite the attention and assignment of patients to the appropriate sector.