CAIF Programme

(Child and Family Assistance Centre) in agreement with I.N.A.U.

The CAIF Programme assists, through different projects, a total of 235 children from birth up to 3 years old within different programmes: Early Stimulation, Upbringing Practices, Initial Education, and Health Assistance and Education. 115 children participate in Initial Education and 120 in Early Stimulation, consisting of mothers or other family members with babies (other children cared for with Fundación Retoño funds should be added to these numbers). There are programs and workshops for pregnant women as well.

The project works with a professional team consisting of a Project Coordination Teacher, a Teacher specialized in early education, a Psychologist, a Social Assistant, two Psychomotricist, and a Music Workshop Teacher.

The children attend the Centre in half-day shifts (morning and afternoon), with the exception of a group called Extension Group. This group is made up of 2 and 3 year-old children who belong to families at high social risk and, therefore, require a more extensive assistance period at the Centre. Children are given breakfast, lunch and an afternoon meal depending on their shift.